Learn A Powerful Life Changing Technique To Clear Your Blocks, Limiting Beliefs, Sabotaging Beliefs In Less Than 6 Seconds Once You’ve Mastered My F.O.R.W.A.R.D Progress Formula
Through a series of video trainings plus actual recorded belief clearing sessions, you will learn to master the clearing of your emotional triggers, limiting beliefs and negative energies.
This is a technique you can use in every aspect of your life, for the rest of your life, so you can manifest your dream life.
Imagine the next time you feel emotionally triggered, or things don't work out as you'd hoped, within seconds you'll be able to clear what created the situation and move on to create the reality you really desire.
How much more successful would your business be? How better would your relationships be? How much more money would you be making? How happier would you be?
Here's What You Get In This Course
# 3 Training Videos On How To Find & Clear Limiting Beliefs On The Fly
Video 1: The Proven Inner Block Busting Formula
In this video you'll discover:
1 - The missing link to busting through blocks preventing you from getting what you want out of life and business; Once you know this, I tell ya, it will take away so much of your frustration. Rather than beat yourself up for not breaking free, you’ll have a big aha moment so you’ll know exactly where you need to focus to get the big breakthroughs in life.
2 - Why negative beliefs reappear even when you’ve cleared them, and how to finally break free of them so you can become a Manifestation Maverick – At this level, it gets easier to experience a greater level of abundance, make a bigger impact in the world, manifest the house, car, soul mate or whatever you want - when you want.
3 - How clearing limiting belief matrices can transform the world into the magnificence you dream of; This is super important to understand since the
consciousness of how the world is made up - is part of what holds you back in your personal life when you learn this - you can move fully into the level of Creative Mastery where you’re not just changing your life you’re positively accelerating the transformation and evolution of humanity.
4 - PLUS the number #1 Key To Getting Unstuck and Moving Forward FAST! Within seconds!!! Here’s where I’ll lay out my entire 7 Step Proven Block Busting Formula that helped me heal from cancer, save a billion-dollar industry from ruin, go from bankruptcy to six-figure income in under a year and transform my life and business over and again.
Video 2: The FORWARD PROGRESS Formula Practice
In this video you'll:
1. Learn how to apply the Inner Block Busting Formula Step by Step.
2. Practice dissolving limiting beliefs around having consistent money flow.
By the end of the hour of that training video, you’ll know how to dissolve your limiting beliefs - as well as having actually dissolved a whole lot of beliefs around money at the same time.
Video 3: How To Use Intention & Quantum Physics To Bust Blocks In SecondsIn this video you'll:
1. Learn the science behind the formula;
2. How and why you'll be able to easily
dissolve limiting beliefs on the fly;
3. How to lighten your body and quickly dissolve emotional charge.
By the completion of this video, you'll be feeling empowered, confident, and lighter.
Plus You Receive Audio Belief & Block Busting Sessions
Through recorded clearing sessions I walk you through using the technique you've learned to systematically bust through hundreds of limiting beliefs stored in your subconscious mind, you probably don't even know you have. Yet they create limiting patterns and experiences in your life.
1. Dissolve blocks, limiting beliefs, vows, contracts, and ancestral programming within seconds in fact, so you get forward progress;
2. Eliminate the emotional magnetic charge in your body that draws to you those limiting experiences, so negative patterns stop repeating themselves, and you can create speed in getting what you truly want;
3. Find the deeply hidden blocks to success, love, financial freedom, greater visibility, greater abundance and joy, greater impact, self-worth, self-confidence, and effectiveness so you can become an unstoppable force for good in the world;
4. Shine the light on your blind spots so you can move from being blocked, trapped, and panicked to light, free and relaxed that everything is progressing in good timing;
5. Operate from a greater, more expanded, and empowered sense of the Infinite Creative Being that you truly are.
By The End Of This Training, You Will Have Mastered Clearing Limiting Beliefs, Blocks, and Sabotage Thinking.
…So You’ll Be Able To Use This Technique In Any Area Of Your Life Where You Are Experiencing Limitation, Feeling Held Back- You’ll Also Be Clearing Many Unconscious Collective Conscious Beliefs That Keep You Playing Small & Held In Societal Holding Patterns.
Essentially You’ll Begin To Disconnect From The Matrix.
Now Here’s The Cool Part, If You Jump In Today, We’re Going To Throw In This Powerful Bonus…
- My “Taking The Wind Out Of The Sales of Saboteurs Audio Training”.
- Here You’ll Learn The 7 Steps To Stop External Saboteurs Slowing You Down From Reaching Mission Accomplished.
- The Critical Thing You Need To Identify To
Claim Your Power In The Situation
- How To
Get Clarity On What Is Really Happening Behind Your Back
- What You Need To Wake Up To
Before You Get A Wake-Up Call
- What You Need To
Wise Up To, So Saboteurs Don’t Make You Look Like Fool
- The
SPECIFIC Action Step You Need To Take With Saboteurs To Put Them On Notice
- The Follow Up Steps You Need To Take To
Gain Control- The Final All-Powerful Step You Need To Take Within Yourself So It
Doesn’t Happen Again.
I Give You 7 Actionable Steps In This Bonus Training. (I Even Put Words In Your Mouth So You’ll Know EXACTLY What To Say To Put Saboteurs, Distractors And Naysayers On The Back Foot)
Happy Customers Clearing Their Blocks
“Nicola is an absolute genius. As someone who specializes in transformation myself, I have worked a lot with many experts and practitioners on releasing my blocks to wealth, success, and freedom. But I was surprised that she was able to reveal some crucial blocks that I was unaware of and had been unable to uncover in the work I had done previously. This is going to return dividends in my business and my life.
I am starting to see some dramatic shifts in the way I am showing up in the world, my feeling of confidence, and how I am approaching the work that I do. What Nicola was able to reveal in the clearing session I had with her has been the catalyst for moving me and my business to the next level. I know that the value of you working with her will be priceless. No matter where you are at in your business and your financial life, I highly recommend you work with Nicola to help reveal what is holding you back. I guarantee working with her will pay you back many times over.”
Marguerita Vorobioff, Entrepreneur & Money Transformation Coach
“I wanted to work on my Inner belief system. I knew what my purpose was but there was a lack of self-belief in my abilities to do my life’s work and I didn’t have enough clients or money for that work. Nicola’s clearing process... really shifted that. I dealt with money issues and I have a lot more work coming in.
I had my busiest month ever last month doing what I love. Now I’m booked several weeks in advance. I had much more energy after the course than I went in with. There has definitely been a shift in the lack which is great. I faced my issues without getting swamped by them. And shifted the blocks. Now I’m in Right Action, opportunities are opening up for me to travel with my work and take it to the next level. I’ve attracted all sorts of people to help promote me and take my teaching and healing wot the next level. It’s just been amazing.”
Dean Rawlings – Teacher, Healer